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300 hours of book reading: Thoughts & Key takeaways

May 25, 2019

Reading books started as a small challenge filled with a small curiosity - What is it like to read a book for just the sake of reading it? No exams, no tests, no stress, but reading just for the fun of it. This small curiosity has developed into a deeply ingrained habit which I have been following for over 6 months. During this journey, I came across 100's of great books, dozens of intellectual authors, and an equally large number of highly successful people.

Some practical principles reiterated in these books, which I found useful were:

  1. Push your limits while practicing any skill. Deliberate practice is far more effective than plain repetition for improving any skill.
  2. Don't run from failures, learn from them, embrace them, and use them as stepping stones.
  3. Create good habits and routines. Even small habits compounded over time create big results.
  4. Develop a growth mindset. You can learn and develop any skill, it just takes time and effort. There are no fixed limits or potential.
  5. Action is more important than plain knowledge.
  6. Questions are more important than solutions. Learn to ask good questions.

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