Always Creating


Communication 101 - Comprehensive Notes

June 28, 2020

Billionaire entrepreneur Richard Branson agrees that being able to communicate effectively is critical to success.Speaking Tips :Talk…

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Mastering CP and DSA

June 21, 2020

So I have been asked a few times how to master CP and DSA, instead of answering again personally, I thought I will write here how I worked…

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Deep Learning with Python: Book Notes

June 19, 2020

First thing first, This book is highly recommended for deep learning enthusiasts!Ch 1. Why deep learning ?Deep Learning methods have…

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Data Leakage: An Elusive ML Mistake

June 01, 2020

Data leakage happens when you expose your model to a piece of information about the target variable which isn’t available in a real-world…

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A Mind for Numbers [Book] : Notes

May 30, 2020

Firstly the book lays that every mind is capable of learning all the tough concepts of mathematics. Most people will be surprised to know…

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Deep Work [Book] : Takeaways

May 24, 2020

Most tasks we do is beneficial to us in some way or the other. eg: social networking is crucial to keep in touch with friends, Netflix to…

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Bangalore - A newbie's account

April 08, 2020

A city with hiked prices, lots of traffic, dust, and whatnot. From paying for playing to lack of grounds. From door to door service of ola…

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India After independence

January 31, 2020

India after Gandhi is a history book dealing with events after India's Independence 1947 - 2000's. After reading this book I realized, I…

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Mastery - Book Notes

July 20, 2019

Mastery is an inspirational book filled with captivating stories of renowned masters like Mozart, Leonardo, Faraday... It highlights the…

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Node.js is fun!!

July 16, 2019

Nodejs is a sweet javascript runtime environment that comes with the most awesome package manager -> NPM. NPM is like a gold mine, filled…

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400 hours of book : Takeaways

July 14, 2019

For over 6 months, books have been a consistent buddy. During this phase, I read and explored around 50 books. Looking back, I have gained…

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Summer of development

July 01, 2019

The blog sketches my journey of learning technologies and developing applications throughout the summer of 2019. The blog is divided into…

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Why Write

June 28, 2019

Writing: For some it's an art, for some drudgery. I regard writing as a great habit. Writing is something you can do for fun and yet get…

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Book Notes - 7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness

June 25, 2019

After being awestruck by Jim's stimulating seminar videos on personal development, I had high expectations from this classic book, and it…

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Creating a Clone of HackerNews (React + Apollo Client)

June 16, 2019

So I recently made a full-stack Hacker news clone by following tutorial available on Howtographql site. In this post, I am going to describe…

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Making of Always Creating

June 08, 2019

Okay, I have finally developed a somewhat decent blog - Always Creating. In this post, I will discuss the motivation behind creating it, the…

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Making a full-fledged Todo App using MERN stack

May 30, 2019

Note - This project is private as of now.I recently finished making my first full-stack todo application. This project was my introduction…

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300 hours of book reading: Thoughts & Key takeaways

May 25, 2019

Reading books started as a small challenge filled with a small curiosity - What is it like to read a book for just the sake of reading it…

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A Begginers Take on Development

May 15, 2019

So I started development just a couple of months back. I recently finished my target of devoting 200 hours to work on my development skills…

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Sorting - A Guide

March 22, 2019

Hello there! In this article we are going to discuss those some essential topics related to the general paradigm of Sorting . Sorting is an…

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Placements — The Essential Topics

March 01, 2019

Hey there! This blog post will cover in detail the most essential topics necessary for placements. Only those topics and problems will be…

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A Begginers Take on Reading

February 01, 2019

So I started out reading just a couple of months back. I recently finished my target of reading for 100 hours. Here’s what all I have…

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