Always Creating

Making a full-fledged Todo App using MERN stack

May 30, 2019

Note - This project is private as of now.

I recently finished making my first full-stack todo application. This project was my introduction to multiple useful and popular tech stacks and concepts such as react-js, redux, Jwt tokens. The app was based on video tutorial series MERN STACK by Traversy media. It was my first full-stack app development experience and a great one indeed.

The redux part was the hardest to comprehend, and warning from the instructor made me unsure about going further in the series. Initially, I gave up, thinking it is unnecessary to learn redux at this stage. But I wanted to complete this tutorial and build a full-scale app, so finally I went through the redux part anyway. The hardest part was understanding all the action and reducer stuff. It was all new to me.

As react was new to me, I took a pause and went through the react tutorial on the react js website. The tutorial was well written, and I enjoyed completing it.

After completing the tutorial I created some additional tasks for me, like adding custom todo categories, and making todo cards for each category, upgrading UI. This turned out to be a superb addition and helped solidify the concepts, making the tutorial more effective. Reactstrap looks like a promising and easy to use the tool.

Also as a pleasant shock, deploying the full-stack app turns out to be a pushover. I don't know whether the tutorial could have been easier or not, but it was worth the effort going through the tutorial. Earlier, I had completed the Wesbos 30-day javascript journey which gave me the confidence to complete this tutorial as well.

It was a challenging project. The mere completion of it gives me immense satisfaction. Going beyond the tutorial and adding more features was the icing on the cake. I finally did make up a great todo application.

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