A Mind for Numbers [Book] : Notes
May 30, 2020
Firstly the book lays that every mind is capable of learning all the tough concepts of mathematics. Most people will be surprised to know that their mind is far more powerful than they perceive.
The book discusses some inefficient ways of learning such as re-reading material and highlighting key phrases. These provide "Illusion of Competence".
In short, studying a problem in a laser-focused way until you reach a solution is not an effective way to learn math. Rather, it involves taking the time to step away from a problem and allow the more relaxed and creative part of the brain to take over.
Some techniques for learning efficiently are:
- Pomodoro Technique - Focussed Session for 25 - 30 mins followed by a small break, repeated 3-4 times. (I read some toppers following this [air 1's, top rankers ] )
- Retrieval - Attempting to recall the material you are trying to learn is far more effective than simply rereading the material
- Some activities that reenergizing brain - taking a bath, music, playing soccer.. ,
Some counterintuitive tips:
- Sleep over tough concepts. Sleep solidifies the learnings. An afternoon nap is a great reboot for learning!
- Physical activity is important for training the brain as it helps develop new neurons faster.
- Slow learners are more effective learners since they generally understand the concept deeply rather than skimming through.
- Multitasking is ineffective since you are not able to make full, rich connections in your thinking, because the part of your brain that helps make connections is constantly being pulled away before neural connections can be firmed up
- Befuddlement is a healthy part of the learning process. When students approach a problem and don’t know how to do it, they’ll often decide they’re no good at the subject which is completely wrong thinking.
- Persistence is often more important than intelligence.”
Since the book covers lots of techniques and every chapter is informative. I couldn't cover everything, I will write additional notes here in the coming days.
To be Continued...
Quotes from the book.
- “The only way to walk a journey of a thousand miles is to take one step at a time.”
- Focus on the process (the way you spend your time) instead of the product (what you want to accomplish).
- Deficiencies of innate ability may be compensated for through persistent hard work and concentration. One might say that work substitutes for talent, or better yet that it creates talent.— Santiago Ramón
- If you protect your routine, eventually it will protect you.
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